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Ways to Give

We are guided by 2 Corinthians 9:7: "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." We hold this scripture close to our hearts and believe that generosity should come from a place of joy and willingness.

Interac e-Transfer

Interac e-Transfer

You can give online by transferring to our email:

In Person

You can give your tithes and offerings in a church service or by dropping it off at our church office.


Mount Dennis Baptist Church
1272 Weston Road Toronto, ON, M6M 4R1

Acknowledgement of Contributions

We are grateful for your willingness to contribute to our church and its mission. Every act of giving, regardless of the size, is a testament to our communal faith and commitment to serve God and our neighbours. We trust in God's promise in Luke 6:38, "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Tithes and offerings are more than just monetary contributions; they are expressions of our faith and trust in God's provision. They allow us to maintain the church's operations, sustain and expand our various ministries, and engage in community outreach initiatives and missionary work. Furthermore, they enable each member of the congregation to participate in our shared mission and serve others through financial stewardship.

We are committed to transparency and good stewardship. When you give, your contribution is carefully allocated to support various needs and ministries in our church. A portion of the funds goes towards the upkeep and operational costs of our church facility, ensuring it remains a clean, safe, comfortable, and welcoming place for worship. 

Contributions also support the pastoral staff who shepherd our congregation, oversee our ministries, and provide spiritual guidance. Another significant portion is directed toward our various ministries enabling us to provide resources, organize events, and cater to the specific needs of these groups.

We also set aside funds for local community outreach and global missions, reflecting our commitment to sharing God's love both locally and internationally. Your contributions help us touch lives and make a positive difference.

Beyond general tithes and offerings, there are other ways to contribute. Special offerings can be given to specific causes or events, such as mission trips, community outreach programs, or disaster relief efforts. Additionally, if you feel led to contribute towards a specific ministry or project, we are open to designated giving.

Would you like to volunteer or participate in any ministry department?